Wednesday 23 September 2009

Screen shot 6 - Worm's eye

This is a worm's eye shot from the movie Slumdog Millionaire that won 8 Oscars! This movie has many genres, comedy, drama, romance, musical and even thriller. In the movie, Jamal and Latika are both "slumdogs" but it's a happy ending as they both end up millionaires. It is not in chonological order, that's why it's okay for the movie to give away that he becomes a millionaire just by reading the title. This part in the film (the interview) we can see that Jamal must feel intimidated as this man is staring down at him. Jamal has got no power at all, he is handcuffed and uncomfortable.

Screen shot 5 - Long shot

This image is from the famous Titanic. It's a long shot because we can see their full length bodies. The film is a non-fiction drama and romance. Rose is a 1st class person who falls in love with Jack who is a 3rd class citizen on the magnificent ship titanic. They both look free in this image with the warm coloured sunset in the background.

Screen shot 4 - Extreme close up

This shot is from Harry Potter and the Half blood prince. I think the genre of the film is fantasy. Not only does this extreme close up of Harry's eyes show u his serious expression, but we also see Dumbledore in the glasses refletion. Wizards are a typical convention, so just by looking at this picture we can guess what genre it is. Also, the lighting is the most brightest where we see Dumbledore's face. Perhaps if Dumbledore was a bad guy, his reflection would be dark and unclear.

Screen shot 3 - Extreme Long shot

This is an interesting shot from King Kong (2005). I would say this film is a horror/sci-fi genre. This shot is amazing because of everything going on inside it. The sky takes up half of it, and usually it reflects emotions. I think the clouds represent confusion, and the darkness is negative and worrying. However under the clouds is a beautiful sunset with warm colours thatare there for the love between Kong and the woman. It looks very odd to see a giant gorilla holding a woman with love in his eyes, in an urban city location. Some may argue that this is a mid-shot seeing that half of kongs body is showing, but i think that the woman in the main one in that shot - she is in the middle of the image. We look hard to see her expression and body language, it's weirdly comfortable.

Screen shot 2 - Close Up

This screen shot is from Shrek 2. The image is a close up (AND ITS SOOO CUTE!) Shrek 2 is a comedy, conventions could be that there is a cat wearing clothes - puss in boots. When we look at this image we are straight away drawn in by the massive, shiny, cute pleading eyes. The background is not important or interesting at all, so we are only looking at the cat. :)

Screen Shot 1 - Mid Shot

This screen shot is from 17 Again. It is a rom-com. The reason that Zac Efron has a basket ball on his fingers are because he took it off the "cool guy" in the film -(a typical convention in teenage movies). This Mid-shot shows where Zac is - the cafeteria. Although the bully is quite big in the shot, he is not what we are supposed to concentrate on, because he is blurred out.